Australienabenteuer 2008

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May 2024

1. day diving, Great Barrier Reef

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Itinerary | 0 comments

At 8 o’clock sharp the calling service of Cairns Dive Center picked us up to our 2 days diving trip. The nice driver with a swiss accent took us to the CDC office where we settled the papers and our first briefing referring to the crossing to the Kanguru Explorer, our ship for the next two days.

The crossing included some problems. Stähler took drugs against seesickness because he already has known that he could get problems. So I have never had any problems with sailing but I have to say that was a big error. I had control so far when the English began to open a competition of puking. I had doubts of keeping felling fine. So … I did the same – the old trick watching the horizon certainly helped me.

Arriving on board we were welcomed by a kind crew and a short time later we were on our first diving trip. In all we got three diving trips inclusive two snorcle trips. And – the word is small – we met Christina and Nils on the ship who we met already in Coober Pedy.

Among the diving courses we saw a shark, a stingray and a sea turtle.

In the evening I closed that day with interesting conversations with the kind couple from England and some crew members.