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May 2024

2. day diving, Great Barrier Reef

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Itinerary | 0 comments

The second day onboard the Kangaru Explorer started early: at 5:30 am the wake up call for the morning dive reached our ears – and because I wanted to make it worthwile I decided to go out snorkeling, too. In additon I wanted to try out the underwater video camera that I rented in Cairns. As yesterday had been my first time ever snorkeling I had not wanted to take the underwater camera with me yesterday. But today I felt secure enough to try.

All went smooth and the last of my today’s three snorkeling trips held a real success for me: I accompanied a big turtle for quite a while until she went up for taking a big breath. At the end of the trip I even spotted a small riff shark and got him on video tape. Stähler had three dives, too, and was very content with what he had seen.Before we went back to Cairns harbour I made the decision to take somthing agains travel sickness – you never know… And indeed the journey was a little rough. But the medication did it’s job and I felt in perfect shape when we arrived – no sign of nausea at all – for the better!

After returning the underwater videocamera we bought us some ice cream and strolled back to our hotel. Both of us not having slept very well because of the rocking of the boat we fell asleep in total exhaution as early as 6pm!