Australienabenteuer 2008

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May 2024

Life is good in Cairns

by | Dec 16, 2020 | Itinerary | 0 comments

Quite exhausted we arrived at Cains, asking for a shuttle service at the airport and after guaranteed 10-15 minutes that looked like rather than a half to three-quarter hour according to my watch the Shuttle Service arrived which carried us to our hotel, the Bay Village Tropical Retreat. We had a break and decided to discover Cains. Along the Esplanade we set out for the City Center and shortly after we noticed that Cains is a place on which you can bear up. Along the Esplanade there are everywhere small placed to have a break with public, gas grill for free on which you can prepare your barbecue. After a while you pass by a public outdoor swimming pool that is for everyone for free.

As we were hungry we ordered something to eat in the first restaurant that ran into. When we have the meal on the table in a wonderful atmosphere and after a bit of time when we ater in a real café we noticed that this meal was a really bad. At least we filled up reasonably but that was the only advantage.

On the way home to the hotel we were passing a Didgeridoo-shop and than we thought of buying a CD with authentic music of the Aboriginals. We began talking to the shopkeeper who was married with a german and who didn’t know Nuremberg but more of Erlangen. A chat and some minutes later we were right in the middle of our first Didgeridoo practice lesson. After a while the first sounds which sounded like Didgeridoocame off the instrument. After a while we succeeded to breath the complicated circular breath and we decided to buy the Didge how the Australians say.

Then we got a real meal for two times fish and Chips for one price and this time really good!

And so we had free time having another lesson in playing Didgeridoo…